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So frustrated!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:15 pm
by AlisonM
I cant do anything but events. No scheduler options, no way yo choose anything but sleep. Just downloaded this from steam, and I thought I'd be able to see the content and options talked about on this forum, but I've got nothing!

Re: So frustrated!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:30 pm
by Miakoda
Something definitely went awry. You might want to reinstall the game. Occasionally Steam can screw-up downloads/installs.

Another question: Are you able to get to the schedule screen at all? It shows like class, sleep? You can then click on that specific square, and it should bring up a choice of activities at the bottom to get (such as Study, etc.)

Re: So frustrated!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:29 pm
by AlisonM
I was finally able to get the scheduler to work. I've only played one other sim, and that was Hatoful Boyfriend (Heh) and it isn't quite the same. The layout for the scheduler wasn't intuitive for me. Now that I finally played through one whole storyline with it active from the beginning, I get it. I still think there's hidden content I haven't found, but I can wait.