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Jariel Songs; Magic? Strength? Skill?

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:26 pm
by Pale_Enchantress
This was the only question I couldn't get an answer for in my Strategy Thread. Jariels damaging songs, what stat are they based on? Both the (weak) initial hit and dot seem to scale with *something* but what?

Re: Jariel Songs; Magic? Strength? Skill?

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:32 am
by yayswords
Damned if I remember anymore, but I think it was attack.

If not that, then magic. No other candidates.

The DoT might just easily hit its damage cap of some <=10% of target's max health per tick though.

Late edit: Rather than just attack, weapons probably play a part in it too. Just can't recall if it's the melee or ranged slot.