Queen Of Thieves beta 0.8.7

A fantasy otome RPG about three young thieves with special skills https://www.winterwolves.com/queenofthieves.htm
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Queen Of Thieves beta 0.8.7

Post by jack1974 »

game info and pre-purchase: http://winterwolves.com/queenofthieves.htm
Current beta download: http://www.macgames.biz/games/QoT-0.8.7-all.zip

What's New in 0.8.7
- updated the Ren'Py to latest version. I tested and should work fine, and also be compatible with old saves :)
- fixed the miss target calculations, since they were wrong :oops:
- added a big military house. I might make it an easter-egg in the final game, but during testing it has a small chance to show up (10% on each explore action) since is better to test it more :)

What's New in 0.8.6
- ahem, you could "pass through walls" in certain houses/catacombs layouts, if two rooms were adjacent but without connection :mrgreen: now that shouldn't be possible anymore!
- changed the text for the Ambush/Ambushed since you don't get double speed, but in practice the chance to strike first for sure
- thanks to myosky now the horizontal/vertical passages layouts artwork are perfectly symmetrical :wink:

What's New in 0.8.5
- using the new gold function sometimes it could crash (rarely but could happen) now should be OK
- changed the layouts of some randomized houses to avoid side-effects, like walking through walls :mrgreen:

What's New in 0.8.4
- the critical hit chances were halved for the internal calculations! Now they work as intended but to balance the game I've reduced the critical hit damage to 150% (before was 200%, aka double damage). I think it's good now :)
- in the enter from backdoor scene in merchant area, if you choose to flee you could still go on
- fixed a bug that would add "unstolen money" to the total robbery amount (like in the merchant pendant scene if you chose to search the room)
- XP formula is back as it was before, I forgot I had divided by party members at end of fight (that's why with Duels you could get a lot of XP to a single character). Put a sort of mini-calculation in the pre-battle screen so players won't be confused

What's New in 0.8.3
- the XP encounter calculation formula was wrong (was giving waay too much XP!). Now I put back the original formula (I compared the XP encounter of some saves with the older versions and it's same amount)
- in shops now will display the number over the icon even if you own just 1 quantity, and say "1 owned"

What's New in 0.8.2
- fixed crash on first battle when starting new game due to the new XP calculation

What's New in 0.8.1
- AOE damage now works as expected, targets on the side take HALF damage of the one in the middle (of course, armor resistance is still applied).
- the effect of "zero SP at start of the fight" now works correctly
- the party icon on top-right of the screen now won't disappear anymore randomly
- only the sisters who actually fought the battle get the XP displayed in the post-battle screen
- the XP on the end screen also matches the one in the pre-battle screen (before they could be different! :lol:)
- added a warning in party screen so players know that level 35 is the maximum level. Like "OK you can stop grinding now!" :mrgreen:

What's New in 0.8.0
- correctly set the battle to "Ambush" if you pick Joanne's option on catacombs level 3 with skeletons
- because of a bug, once completed the catacombs you could go there and select any option (even without enough honor) and click Finish to get the items anyway. Now this won't happen anymore! :)
- tweaked the Into The Fray skill so that leveling up the damage remains the same but the delay decreases, making it more useful
- now the "selectet portrait" of the sisters in the map will remain the same even if you reload a save (before it would always reset to none)

What's New in 0.7.9
- now the Guard/Protect source is displayed in the buff tooltip, so you know who is the responsible! :wink:
- the ghost encounter asking for the party's XP is now fixed, before was asking a wrong amount (too big!). Also will consider all party members XP (in case one of the sisters has higher XP). The amount lost will always be the XP accumulated towards next level.

What's New in 0.7.8
- damage over time effects and description now should all match. Bleeding description was wrong, the right amount is 5% HP, while for Fire was lower than intended, since it's 10% HP (seems fair since if you attack the target with melee you get burned, while this doesn't happen with Frozen for example).
- catacomb items effects description fixed when buying with Honor points
- added explanation on the equipment screen of how many items you can carry with you, based on the difficulty level
- when creating new targets in Noble area, the generator will make sure to give more chances to get a room with a treasure (gem) if yuor party level is more than the gem level. This should make sure that the player is not stuck with the progression (by some bad luck you could get some tough targets and not make a lot of progress without the gems).
- added a bit more variety to Nobles random encounters too, with some elite guards and "retired mages" :)

What's New in 0.7.7
- because of some changes made to the usable items internal database, the game was crashing when using the items. Now works, but you need to start a new game :o :shock: :oops:

What's New in 0.7.6
- selling values were displaying badly (even if the current price was OK). Now should be good.
- Disease effect can last max 5 turns and not 10
- improved more the gem screen. now you can click again on same gem (socketed or not) to "clear/cancel". useful to examine the gems without doing any swapping :)
- randomized more the random encounter in the mercenary area (the ones happening while moving around in the house). Now they can have also tamed beasts and magic users (those bastards!).

What's New in 0.7.5
- biggest change: randomized rooms! the rooms are now more randomized than before, in some cases even completely random (including entrances). But the most important thing is that, within a target house, there won't be duplicate scenes anymore (except finding treasures or empty rooms). So for example a single encounter of carnivorous plant, vault with guards, thieves, etc. This way ensures that player will see all the various room more often, avoiding duplicates :)
- Bombs now don't trigger a counterattack anymore! :lol:
- Removed the "front line" text from Sudden Strike skill description (left from SOTW descriptions!)
- StrikeThrough now is faster (8 wait)
- Backstab now does less direct damage (25% less on each tier)
- Warrior's Blessing delay is very fast (2 wait) so that it should be more helpful than it is now
- fixed a bug in a duel scene in the military outposts
- now the items you equip while in the catacombs aren't reset anymore, avoiding unneeded clicks! (same behavior as the robbery missions)
- removed an "inventory clear" (when items were moved back to the storage) before Thomas last mission
- fixed a battle not showing (mercenary duelist, if you refused and attacked, the actual battle never happened! :P)
- fixed a crash in the "mad inventor" scene in the mercenary area
- polished and made the gem interface more user friendly. More info, if you click again on an empty socket will deselect it, made the item more transparent so it's easier to see the sockets, added socket text on the left :)
- fixed wrong values of basic/advanced survivor set in catacombs (they were giving more vitality potion instead of healing ones!)
- you can still visit catacombs and spend any remaining honor points after completing them
- now the money you get selling items is the same you get buying them (you can't use the romance discount bonus of Fredrick and Mary-Ann for money-exploit anymore).
- added mushroom mini-scene with Therjalla, giving some reward items. Will trigger when you exit the catacombs/visit the map the next day
- now the successful scene won't trigger if you didn't defeat the evil eyes!

What's New in 0.7.4
- fixed a wrong image of Joanne appearing in front of mad priest if you picked a specific answer in catacombs
- fixed the double-click to equip items in inventory: if you change screen, or click on the equipped item twice, won't do anything. Only if you double-click on the unequipped item works (before was a bit confusing!)
- removed the possibility to resell potions and bombs, since it was causing a lot of "collateral bugs". Vendors now will refuse to buy-back disposable items like potions or bombs :oops:
- added temple garden and trap pit missing bgs. The only piece of art missing now is the main menu :)
- autobattle chances of success can never go below 25% (otherwise there's no point in using it!)

What's New in 0.7.3
- Take Aim skill delay was reduced to 2: this because otherwise the long delay + the fact that the effect counter was decreased by ENEMY movements (as happens with all those target skills) was making it useless. Now it should be definitely more useful! Also, from the second tier, the damage multiplier wasn't applied correctly.
- Kira's Focus Target was "overwriting" Thalia's Take Aim: basically it was just increasing the counter and not adding a separate effect. Now they can both be applied to same target.
- when you placed gems in Armor items, wouldn't display the bonuses to HP/SP in the bottom-right corner (the bonus were applied in-game, just not shown in the character inventory screen)
- now when you sell an item, the price matches the gems you used in its sockets!! Was a bit odd to put gems worth 1000 gold to an armor item, and then resell it for 100 gold! :lol:
- one location with a merchant alchemist wasn't clearing properly, meaning that you could visit it again the next day
- the items for the robbery missions now remain equipped, not moved back to storage. If you visit the catacombs instead, that will happen (to avoid bugs). It's experimental, I tried here and seems to work fine, but before making it final I'd like to know if anyone experiences any strange behavior! :)
- replaced the two Arianna's main plot CGs with fixed versions. In the 1st the shadows hide more of her body, while in the 3rd her outfit matches the one seen in game

What's New in 0.7.2
- added the new four main plot CGs with Arianna. For now I added a menu option to skip the first two, just in case. I think they're fine, but maybe people can tell me what they think after they see them :)
- allowed to "Run the shop" for up to 60 days, to speed up the money gain (particularly useful in VN Mode, or if you don't want to do the robberies anymore)
- fixed some typos

What's New in 0.7.1
- fixed bug introduced with last update, when you were told to assign a skill point at beginning of the game, there was nobody in the party screen! :mrgreen:
- now the catacombs introduction scene will trigger even if you're not in the map screen, but in the shop passing the days there!

What's New in 0.7.0
- just one bug, but a big one (thanks to the user who reported it). In the Military targets, there's a Mad Inventory scene. One of your party member can be injured and unavailable just for this fight. Guess what? it wasn't restoring the missing person after the fight :lol:
- also, because of the bug above, when you opened the inventory while a party member was missing, would crash the game. Now it will correctly display only the two remaining sisters and not crash anymore!

What's New in 0.6.9
- Distracting Blows now works correctly (doesn't stack anymore)
- when you're granted a free skill point at beginning of the game, also display a messagebox telling user how to access that screen
- counterattack now shouldn't work anymore against Joanne's magical attacks!
- fixed text that was erroneously stating you get a skill point on every level up (it's every 2 levels)
- bombs now never do critical damage :)
- fixed vendor and combat help screens texts
- added a display on each item in vendor screens, so you know which character can equip them (character's name initial letter)

What's New in 0.6.8
- fixed counter-attack! it was never working as intended. Also now uses same damage calculation used for the normal attacks (before was returning higher values). Because of this, the guards might be a bit too powerful, even if I lowered their armor rating.
- during the level-up screen the text was still using "Strength", so now I replaced it with "Power" even in that screen
- fixed a crash if you reduced enemy target's armor value to 0 (ZeroDivisionError)
- Lowered the guards armor (the guards you find in robberies). With such high armor they were too hard to beat (harder than intended anyway).
- the "guarded entrance" robbery scene had enemies too strong, especially if you rob a target with >3 defense value. I swapped a Heavy Guard for a Light Guard, so now should be OK
- added some missing backgrounds, and the Fredrick crying expression (used only in a few scenes)
- tweaked Hard/Nightmare enemy stats so they have less defense but more attack/speed, hoping to make the battles faster and more challenging than before :)
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.6.8

Post by fabulaparva »

Finally got down to download the demo. :D Getting to feedback will take time, though. I'm currently only up to the point of reading skill descriptions (and enjoying the music while doing so). :P
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.6.8

Post by jack1974 »

Haha welcome! The Distracting Blows in this version still doesn't work correctly (stacks so is more powerful than intended). I was waiting to do an update in case I got more stuff. Also, supermegaheatwave here so very hard to work :oops:
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.6.8

Post by fabulaparva »

Stuff I've ran into so far (these are all happening before the end of the demo ):

Counterattack used by enemies counters all attacks, not just melee. The info on top of an enemy guard / ex-mercenary says "whenever character gets hit with normal melee attack...", but the enemies also counter Joanne's magical attacks.

Is the snake pit you can fall into while robbing nobles houses one of those still missing backgrounds or is "Image 'bg pit' not found." a bug?

Info on Skill points screen says: "You gain a skill point every time you level up." However, I'm playing on Hard atm and at level 5 I got no new skill points. In fact, on level 5, I have 3 skill points assigned, not 5.

When you are directed to the skill point assignment for the first time, you are in fact put into the attributes tab, not to the skill points tab. It was a bit confusing as I was told to assign points, but I had none for that specific screen nor did the tutorial point to the actual skill points tab where I was supposed to be.

There's a scaling/positioning issue on the vendor help screen:
I've ran across some consistency issues in the skill terminology (= same term written in several different formats,eg : Counter Attack, counter-attack & Counterattack) and there're some occasional typos left as well. If I have more time next weekend, I'll post about those then.

I know I'm late to the party and will continue to be late with my current week schedule, so it's a bit hard to get a grasp on what skill issues have already been dealt with / notified about. If I find more skill issues, I might post them in a separate thread to make them easier to track. :D

EDIT You can crit with your explosive potions again!! Did 60 damage with one. XD
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.6.8

Post by jack1974 »

fabulaparva wrote: Counterattack used by enemies counters all attacks, not just melee. The info on top of an enemy guard / ex-mercenary says "whenever character gets hit with normal melee attack...", but the enemies also counter Joanne's magical attacks.
Oops, must be when I fixed the other issue related to it! Will fix it.
fabulaparva wrote: Is the snake pit you can fall into while robbing nobles houses one of those still missing backgrounds or is "Image 'bg pit' not found." a bug?
Not a bug, just missing image, there's also "temple gardens" in one of romance scenes with Tiberius I think.
fabulaparva wrote: Info on Skill points screen says: "You gain a skill point every time you level up." However, I'm playing on Hard atm and at level 5 I got no new skill points. In fact, on level 5, I have 3 skill points assigned, not 5.
True, every 2 levels. I forgot to update that text!
fabulaparva wrote: When you are directed to the skill point assignment for the first time, you are in fact put into the attributes tab, not to the skill points tab. It was a bit confusing as I was told to assign points, but I had none for that specific screen nor did the tutorial point to the actual skill points tab where I was supposed to be.
Added a messagebox pop-up to explain :)
fabulaparva wrote: There's a scaling/positioning issue on the vendor help screen:
Ah yes, I need to review the vendor help (also the texts), since I just reused SOTW's one! :lol:
fabulaparva wrote: I've ran across some consistency issues in the skill terminology (= same term written in several different formats,eg : Counter Attack, counter-attack & Counterattack) and there're some occasional typos left as well. If I have more time next weekend, I'll post about those then.
Thanks I wrote them quickly so probably there's some mistakes like that :)
fabulaparva wrote: **
I know I'm late to the party and will continue to be late with my current week schedule, so it's a bit hard to get a grasp on what skill issues have already been dealt with / notified about. If I find more skill issues, I might post them in a separate thread to make them easier to track. :D

EDIT You can crit with your explosive potions again!! Did 60 damage with one. XD
No worries about being late. And no, explosive potions should never do critical hits!!! :oops:
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.6.9

Post by jack1974 »

Updated the game to 0.6.9 with several fixes :)
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.7.0

Post by jack1974 »

Today fixed a very nasty bug, happening in a specific scene. Was already reported by Franka about 2-3 weeks ago but yesterday an user sent me a save so I could figure out exactly where the problem was. Now the bug shouldn't happen anymore :)
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.7.0

Post by Franka »

I did it! I completed the game on Easy difficulty without ever doing a robbery mission (except of course the story ones) or entering the catacombs.

It took the sisters almost 8 years to raise the money needed through the shop.

They entered the final mission at level 6 and finished it at level 11.

Approximately 20 Heavy Explosive Bombs were used to great advantage throughout their adventure.

Enemies were Paralyzed and Chained for several hundred turns (or at least it felt that way).

Tomas Jingoli was by far the hardest enemy, since this was the only fight with a full 5 opponents (and the sisters were level 6).
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.7.0

Post by Franka »

By the way, I can see that you've tried forcing people into the catacombs if they press End Turn during the day, but if instead you Attend shop to pass the time and never press End Turn, you won't be pulled into the catacombs. I'm guessing this is unintended.
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Re: Queen Of Thieves beta 0.7.0

Post by fabulaparva »

So I got to the first skill-point assignment screen (at level 1) in v0.7.0 and the girls are gone! :shock: I can't choose a character. Sending a savegame.
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