Heileen 2 Review

A visual novel set in the 17th century: https://www.winterwolves.com/heileen3.htm
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Heileen 2 Review

Post by lloyd1191 »

Am creating this topic so that people can talk about their opinions on the game. Please respect each others opinion, since that's all they are: opinions.

This is, as it looks, the sequel to the first Heileen game. Again, is a visual novel game, but a little bit more different than the first one. The addition was some kind of moral choices, which are virtues or sins. Either choice had some kind of consequence, but what I noticed was that, the virtues had from little to no consequence. If we compared it with the sin choices, which tended to have more consequences and a lesson. The quest system is back, but it has more than the first game, and it had a rank at the end of the game too. Unfortunately, the choices made in the first game do not carry over, but I didn't see it that much in it, which is good.

The story was also as good, if not better than in the first game. What I liked the most about it, is that it was longer than the first game, depending in your choices. In certain choices, it could end your game very soon or it will last longer. It also had way more endings than the first game. Heileen 2 had more than 10 endings than in the first game, and a single choice could give you a completely different ending than the one you had in mind. It also has more depth in it, because you learn more about the characters. Their families, their pasts, their secrets, all is revealed in this game. Of course, if you can find them, which makes the story much more interesting and engaging. You also meet new characters in it, which each is actually interesting.

The other addition, was a deck of cards, in which each one has a VIRTUE and its opposite a SIN. The game lets you choose which one to use. This makes it longer, because you have to usually do all of them before you can proceed with the story. Also, it is voiced, which is a good addition. You can hear some of the characters voices, except for Heileen. It's actually well done, but I noticed that the voices sometime did not read some words.

Overall, it was much better than the first one, and for $14.99, I think is a fair price. Can't wait to play the next one in the series. I think it deserves a 8.5/10.
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Re: Heileen 2 Review

Post by jack1974 »

Thanks for the review. Personally I can only add that with this game I moved more into mystery/supernatural than romance. Romance is present, and some spicy situations as well, but in general the tone is more serious. If you play Heileen 3 you can see clearly how it's a mix of the first (for the mostly light-comedy setting) and the second (for the supernatural and the Virtues/Sins gameplay).
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