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Heileen 2 - Items per card *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:03 pm
by thezooqueen
~First Round of cards~
Kindness - Biscuits
Envy - Wilted Flower
Wrath - Map
Patience - Map
Pride - Scepter
Humility - Fishing Net
Temperance - Bar of chocolate
Gluttony - Rum
Sloth - Wood Statue
Diligence - Ax
Lust - Bed sheet
Chastity - Bowl
Greed - Nothing
Charity - Bag
~Second Round of Cards~
Kindness - Medicen
Envy - Nothing
Wrath - Knife
Patience - Portrite
Pride - Medallion
Humility - Cauldrin
Temperance - Pages
Gluttony - Small Boat
Sloth - Almanac
Diligence - Chilly Pepper
Lust - Nothing
Chastity - Rope
Greed - Bag of fruit, Rope
Charity - Shoes
~Third Round of Cards~
Lust - John's Diary
Chastity - Shaw
Gluttony - Nuts
Temperance - Nothing
Greed - Diamond
Chairty - Nothing
Sloth - Nothing
Diligence - Thread and Needle
Wrath - Nothing
Patience - Nothing
Envy - Nothing
Kindness - Mirror
Pride - Earings
Humility - Telescope
If I am missing something please let me know. Some might not have been revealed to me later on. I might not have followed that path.